Welcome to my blog.

Thank you for following my journey. My name is Marjorie and I am morbidly obese. I have battled with my weight my whole life. I have had ups and downs yet I refuse to give up. Join me on my journey to claiming my body back. Is going to be a long road.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Personal Trainer

"My World Is Expanding As My Butt is Shrinking"

I invite Bob Harper into my living room every day.  He is my personal trainer. Even when my body tells me, I can not do it, Bob pushes me to my limit and just when I think I can not longer continue, Bob reminds me that "It suppose to feel uncomfortable"!. so I keep pushing myself until I am done my workout. When I am done, I feel so alive and feel that I am in control of my body and that I am slaying the DRAGON!
(I refer to the Dragon when I talk about my fat). The are so many reasons why we should all take the time to exercise.
Here are few reasons why you should exercise and invite Bob to your living room;
  1.  Enhanced memory concentration.
  2. Reduce stress and anxiety level.
  3. Breath better.
  4. More energy.
  5. Muscle tone.
  6. Better sleep.
  7. Loose weight.
  8. Joy.
  9. Self-esteem.
  10. Self worth.
  11.  A "Me Time.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lemon and Water my two new best friends!

" The only way to keep your health is to eat what don't you want, drink what you don't like and do what you'd rather not"

Have you had your lemon water today?

  I have found that when I drink few glasses of lemon water a day, I feel so much better. Here are few reasons why you should drink lemon water.
  • Lemons are antibacterial.
  • Lemons help you loose weight.
  • Lemon water can help with digestion, heartburn and bloating.
  • Lemon water can cleanse and revitalize the liver and kidneys.
  • Lemon juice contains calcium, magnesium and potassium and can cleanse the skin.
  • Hot Lemon water can relive cold and flu symptoms and provide Vitamin C.
When was the last time you had a glass of lemon water?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

That was then ... This is now

    "Success will come when you stop dieting and start living"

The picture on the left was taken June 2010. The picture on the right was taken January 27 2011.

I feel like a million dollars!!!  I am feeling better and better as I loose the weight. I Keep on dreaming and believing that someday I will be able to do so many things that I can not do right now such as: climb a mountain, go swimming, ride a bike, go camping, go shopping all day, and simply  have my life back:(.. As of today Saturday February 5 I have lost 85 pounds!!! I can not wait to get to my first 100 pounds.