Welcome to my blog.

Thank you for following my journey. My name is Marjorie and I am morbidly obese. I have battled with my weight my whole life. I have had ups and downs yet I refuse to give up. Join me on my journey to claiming my body back. Is going to be a long road.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Jealous Of My Success?

"What are stumbling blocks and defeat before you, can be stepping stones to victory if you remain determined. "

When I started on my weight loss journey nine months ago, I never thought that I would be experiencing jealousy from people that I thought they were friends. For the most part people are happy for me but there are a lot of people that have treated me different and have been very jealous of my success. I have always believed that people who get jealous when others succeed are really selfish. I feel that now that I have lost almost 125 pounds people are different toward me and according to some is a competion between us. I never set out to compete against anyone. All I want is to loose the weight that has taken over my body and have a happy, healthy life.

Now that I am healthier I feel like I have found my voice in this world and I am more confident and I have a positive outlook on life. Perhaps to others I have changed and in some way I have, since I walk a little taller and I am not afraid to go out in public anymore.

Through this weight loss journey I have learn that there are lot’s of jealous people out there even the ones I thought they were my true friends. But I have to say the more jealous they are the bigger my driving force is to continue to beat this fat and be healthy and beautiful. I will love to tell them all…. “BRING IT ON”. Nothing will break me!

To all those readers that are planning to loose a significant amount of weight be ready to face Jealousy! . What is jealousy? According to the dictionary, the word jealous means “resentful and envious, as of someone’s success, achievements, advantages”

Have you experienced Jealousy?