Welcome to my blog.

Thank you for following my journey. My name is Marjorie and I am morbidly obese. I have battled with my weight my whole life. I have had ups and downs yet I refuse to give up. Join me on my journey to claiming my body back. Is going to be a long road.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Jealous Of My Success?

"What are stumbling blocks and defeat before you, can be stepping stones to victory if you remain determined. "

When I started on my weight loss journey nine months ago, I never thought that I would be experiencing jealousy from people that I thought they were friends. For the most part people are happy for me but there are a lot of people that have treated me different and have been very jealous of my success. I have always believed that people who get jealous when others succeed are really selfish. I feel that now that I have lost almost 125 pounds people are different toward me and according to some is a competion between us. I never set out to compete against anyone. All I want is to loose the weight that has taken over my body and have a happy, healthy life.

Now that I am healthier I feel like I have found my voice in this world and I am more confident and I have a positive outlook on life. Perhaps to others I have changed and in some way I have, since I walk a little taller and I am not afraid to go out in public anymore.

Through this weight loss journey I have learn that there are lot’s of jealous people out there even the ones I thought they were my true friends. But I have to say the more jealous they are the bigger my driving force is to continue to beat this fat and be healthy and beautiful. I will love to tell them all…. “BRING IT ON”. Nothing will break me!

To all those readers that are planning to loose a significant amount of weight be ready to face Jealousy! . What is jealousy? According to the dictionary, the word jealous means “resentful and envious, as of someone’s success, achievements, advantages”

Have you experienced Jealousy?


Anonymous said...

It does happen, unfortunately.

The ones who are real friends will get over it and the ones who aren't are not worth our time!

Just me said...

Sorry to hear you're experiencing some heartache on your journey, but every step is making you stronger and bringing you closer to who you really are. I am SOOOOO proud to know you :) You have inspired me to start Weight Watchers this Saturday. Perhaps I'll see less of you there! :) XXOO