“ Even if
you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth!”
On a few occasions I have heard
comments like “ You have to be taking diet
pills there
is no way you can do this on your
own!”. Another comment I have heard is that I went out of
the province and had Gastric Bypass
surgery. These two comments are the furthest thing
from the truth! My weight loss has
been driven by sheer determination and desire for a
healthier and happier life.
I personally do not believe in any
type of weight loss surgery or diet products including
Pills or shakes.. I was taught that success comes through hard work and
that is exactly what I have
done and continue to do. I still have a long ways to go but I know I will get there. I know and I am aware that there are people out there that will try to take me down or in other words will try to brake my spirit., But I say to those people... It will not work!!! Nothing and noone will stop me from getting my wings back. The harder they try the harder I will push myself forward!
That was then ...this is now.. 191 pounds down. |
Below are few reasons why I don’t
believe in diet pills and having the gastric bypass surgery.
· Incisions my
become infected
surgery may cause complications related to your heart and lungs
Hernias may
result at incision site
There is a chance
that sutures will be rejected
Adhesions may
result in obstructed or blocked intestines
Leakage of
fluid from the stomach or intestine through the staples Injury spleen.
The formation
of ulcers in the stomach or small intestine
Sweating or
heart palpitations due to low blood sugar.
Hair loss
cramps shortly after eating certain types of foods.
- Insomnia
High Blood pressure
Heart palpitations
Dry mouth
Blurred Vision
Profuse sweating
Stomach pains.
This journey has been tough and very challanging but I would not change it for the world.. It has been so worth it. And I will continue to move forward! I leave you with a question... What are you going to do today to make your body healthier?